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Persimmon's Latest

Deadline for comments: 17 July


The BFF have now read the numerous documents posted by Persimmon on the planning portal on 20 June - and we will continue to digest them, but time is short..

To summarise in their own words:

"[Persimmon] made a series of minor amendments to the scheme which look to directly address comments received..., including:

  • A reconfiguration and realignment of land set aside for the medical centre and allotments.

  • Changes to the parking and turning areas.

  • Amendments to the landscape strategy and boundary treatments.

  • An increase to the depth of front gardens for some of the plots.

  • Changes to the alignment of the informal pathways that run through the development."

As is typical, Persimmon have done the bare minimum, adjusting minor details in an effort to demonstrate 'Community Involvement' and attempting to persuade officers of the validity of their plans. They have written an extraordinarily long covering letter to excuse every decision they have made, selectively quoting the policies that suit their agenda, ignoring those which don't, and dismissing concerns of, amongst others, the Horsmonden Parish Council, The Bassetts Farm Forum and Residents of Horsmonden.

They have not addressed the issues raised by the community in this ‘amended’ application, in particular:

1. They continue to insist on ignoring the Limit of Built Development as defined in the Horsmonden Neighbourhood Plan and the Submission Local Plan, arguing that it is “flexible” and “indicative". The application seeks to build upon land in the north west of the site connecting to Back Lane, which is allocated as open space by TWBC and outside the LBD.

2. The amendment continues to use inconsistent arguments and inaccurate data to justify the size of the application, which proposes too many, urban-style houses on the site - and more than was intended in the original allocation. The proposed development is excessive both in terms of land use and harm to its surroundings.

3. The applicant continues to ignore the real concerns of the Parish Council and villagers and disrespects their opinions and concerns by the use of emotive terms throughout the covering letter.

Bassetts Farm Forum considers that the response of Persimmon to village concerns is inadequate and is designed only to maximise profit, regardless of how the lives of residents will be affected in the medium and long term.

We have consistently said that we recognise this is an allocated development but that it needs to find a good balance between meeting the housing needs according to the allocation policies applicable to Persimmon's site, and minimising harm to its surroundings. It needs to be an appropriate development that acts as a transition from the village to the countryside for the benefit of both those that will come to join the community and those that already live here.

The village's continued interest in Bassetts Farm and the volume of concerns recorded on the planning portal are noted both by the applicant, and by the Council. We trust that the officers will consider all of these concerns carefully and not consider them addressed by Persimmon's selective and biased responses.
Villagers, please comment again by 17 July, and ask your neighbours to say how they feel about this application too.  Even if it is to repeat your previously voiced concerns or to ask for them to be properly considered.

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Jul 16

The developer continues to ignore the concerns of the existing residents of this community. They are still planning too many houses of unsuitable design and size. The infrastructure simply can not cope with the addition of these properties. The issue of a safe pedestrian access to & from the development on the GoudhurstRd has still not been resolved let alone the long list of other concerns both practically, logistically and morally. Please just leave our village alone!

Replying to

Dear Petal67, It would be great if you posted your concerns on the Planning Portal where TWBC will see it. You can access it here: or email Put 24/00078/HYBRID in the subject line if you do that. Thank you!

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