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New plans to be revealed on 17 and 18 October - plus work at Bassetts entrance

As we reported following Persimmon's presentation to the Parish Council in August, Persimmon have engaged a new architect and planning consultant, and they have been preparing revised plans for Bassetts Farm.

We now know that the new plan will be presented to the Parish Council at a public meeting on 17 October, and in a public consultation in the village hall on 18 October, with details being delivered to every house in the village.

We would like to urge you once again to attend the consultation (and the meeting if you can), to show Persimmon how much concern there is around the development of this much loved area of the village and to find out as much as possible about their new plans.

We understand that following the exhibition, the plans will be published on the TWBC Planning Portal, at which point everyone will be able to make their comments and objections.

Whilst it is gratifying that Persimmon have revised their plans - and it remains to be seen how these look - they are likely to remain excessive for commercial reasons.

That being the case, development is still more than likely to destroy a tranquil landscape, generate a lot more traffic on our roads, and place ever more strain on our village school, medical services and other village facilities.

Please make sure that if you have comments on the new plans that you do make them - even if they are similar to or include points you made on the first plan.
Comments made on the previous plan won't count.
We will share links and details of the new plans once they are made public.

Work at Bassetts Site Entrance this week

We have been informed that Persimmon will be clearing vegetation at the Bassetts Farm Entrance starting this week in preparation to re-surface the entry way. An ecologist should be on site to check for dormice.

Anyone directly affected will be contacted before work begins.

If you have any questions about this please contact the Parish Council (

Traffic Survey

You may remember that the BFF asked the Parish Council to commission a traffic survey on Goudhurst Road near the Bassetts Site.

The full data has been uploaded to the planning portal for consideration by the statutory consultees.

We also produced a summary and analysis, which you can see in the pdf below.

Thoughts? Please let us know!

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