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New planning application imminent!

Happy New Year!

We hope that you are energised and ready to fight on to make sure that any development on Bassetts Farm orchards is right for the village - and not just for the developer. Things are about to begin to move again..

Persimmon's new plan for Bassetts Farm orchards due very soon

The Parish Council have been informed by Persimmon that the new planning application for their Bassetts Farm site (a preview of which we saw at the Exhibition and on their leaflet distributed back in October) has been or is about to be sent to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to be prepared for publication on the planning portal. 

The previous planning application will be withdrawn at the same time.  

Once published, there will be a new public consultation period for the new application, during which time comments and objections can be submitted - online, by email or by letter.

As soon as we know it's online we will let you know, send details etc, so that you can look at it and make any comments on it that you wish to. We believe it will go live in a week or so's time.

We at BFF will be having a close look at the new application, and we will make some observations on our website as well as the Planning Portal, but it is very important that everyone makes clear their own views of the new plan on the Planning Portal.

We hope that you and your friends and neighbours will be able to continue to show interest in proceedings at relevant upcoming Parish Council and TWBC meetings.

We will continue to inform you when we discover agendas that include discussions and decisions about Bassetts Farm.

Work on the brownfield site at Bassetts Farm

The other point to note is that people living close to Bassetts Farm have been given notice that works will be progressing on the brownfield site at Bassetts over the coming months. 

We understand that demolition of the packing shed is likely to take place in February as part of the project to build the 20 homes Persimmon has already gained planning permission for.  Let's hope the doves find somewhere else to roost..

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