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More amendments from Persimmon

Persimmon have again amended their plans for their Bassetts Farm application and have uploaded more than 50 new documents to the planning portal.

As before, although some tweaks have been made in responses to some of the objections and queries from the Parish Council, residents and the BFF, it appears that Persimmon has failed to materially change their approach to a number of fundamental issues. These include housing design, housing allocation, and their disregard for the Limit of Built Development as adopted in the Horsmonden Neighbourhood Plan and outlined and uncontested in the submission Local Plan.

Please have a look at the new documents, comment on the portal or by email to TWBC (, and let us know what you think.

The Consultation period for the amendments is given as 14 October so you need to make any comments you wish to about the amended plans by then.

At BFF we are working through all the new documents to check for previous objections that have not been correctly or sufficiently addressed - if addressed at all.

It is possible that this application will go to committee on 6 November or 4 December. Both meetings will be held at 6.30pm. Please make a note in your diary.

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