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How to find the plans and make your point!

Updated: Apr 3

We hope you find these FAQs useful. If there's anything we've missed and could help you with, please let us know!

Where can I see and comment on the plans?

You will see an area where you can make your comments.

You can also comment by email or post (below). Make sure you quote Ref 24/00078/HYBRID in all correspondence

By post: Planning Services, TWBC, Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN11RS

Is there a deadline for commenting?

The date given as a closing date on the planning notice is 3 March. However, for as long as the planning portal allows it (ie for as long as the case remains undetermined), comments on the application are being accepted. Last year, the portal remained open for comments for many weeks following the initial deadline.

I'm not technical - can somebody help?

It's perfectly ok for you to ask someone to add your comment for you.

If you would like some help, please email us and we will find someone to work with you.

There's loads of it! Where do I start?

There are many documents on the site. The Design & Access statement will give you a good overview of the plans and is a good place to start. Be aware that many of the documents on the applicaiton have been prepared by the developer.

What should I say?

You should say what you think!

There are lots of things that constitute a valid objection and many things that don't. Of course, you may be in favour, too!

  • Highway safety

  • Traffic generation

  • Noise and disturbance resulting from use (but not the construction itself)

  • Loss of trees

  • Effect on listed buildings and conservation area

  • Layout and density of building

  • Design, appearance and materials

  • Visual amenity

  • Adequacy of parking/loading/turning

  • Landscaping

  • Road access

  • Local, strategic, regional and national planning policies

  • Government circulars, orders and statutory instruments

  • Disabled persons’ access

  • Compensation and awards of cost against the Council at public enquiries

  • Proposals in the Development Plan

  • Nature conservation

  • Archeology

  • Solar panels

  • Fear of crime (with evidence to show that the fear is based in reality)

  • Loss of light or overshadowing (this isn’t just a high wall – it means loss of light to the extent that you don’t get enough natural daylight to see by).

  • Overlooking/loss of privacy

Will anything I say make a difference?

Weight of public opinion makes a difference. If there were no objections or comments, the Council might think that nobody minds or cares much.

The more comments we have, the better. Persimmon have already reviewed their plans once, partly as a result of the objections the public voiced on their first attempt.

I've already posted my comments once - do I have to do it again?

Yes, we must! This is a new plan and we start again. Your reservations may the same, or the new plans may have addressed some of your concerns.

Previous objections won't be taken into account.

Why are we doing this again? What's changed?

As a result of public and statutory consultee comments, Persimmon have redesigned their application. They've moved the medical centre, reduced the numbers slightly, added some bungalows and re-jigged the layout. They've put in for emergency access from Back Lane, too.

So yes, it's different - and we need to comment on this version, which is now the one on the table.

How can I be considered for any affordable housing?

We are told that any affordable housing that becomes available as a result of this development will be allocated by TWBC - firstly to residents of Horsmonden, and then widening the catchment. Please read more at

What else can I do to be heard?

Please encourage your friends and neighbours to comment, too.

Show the Parish Council your interest at the meeting on 20 February in the Village Hall, where they will be deciding on their position on this plan. Persimmon are expected to be in attendance.

It will also be extremely important to have a good showing at the Planning Committee Meeting when the decision will be made. We don't know the date for this yet, but we will be encouraging as many people as we can to attend.

Haven't they already started building on Bassetts?

Persimmon already have planning permission to build 20 houses on the 'brownfield' site at Bassetts. You may know it as Old Bassetts or the Packing Sheds or similar, but essentially it's the part nearest the road up to the Villas, home to various barns, sheds and hard standings.

Work has begun on clearing the site for this build.

Will there be a petition?

Bassetts Farm Forum will NOT be organising a petition. Although we previously thought this may be a good way to gather support for any objection, we now believe the best way is simply to encourage everyone to register their own comments in their own words. Repeated/copied/templated comments and petitions are often only counted as ONE comment.

374 views2 comments


We totally agree with Bassetts Farm Forum objections to this large housing plan. We live

the other side of the old railway line and particularly object to the plan to extend beyond the boundary line - this is not acceptable. For us here, this development means more noise, lights

and traffic.. It is also out of proportion to the size of this village - we have already had several

large housing extensions.

Gerald’s & Janet Woods. We offer our apologies, we will not be able to attend the meeting.

Replying to

Dear Gerald - thank you for your comments. You need to make your comments to the Borough Council please on their website at Thank you!

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