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BFF's take on Persimmon’s new application and what to do now

The clock is ticking on the consultation period for the new application to build another 120 houses at Bassetts Farm - we all need to submit our comments by 3rd March to be sure they are considered.  

Bassetts Farm, along with Gibbet Lane and Benchley Road, have been “allocated” for development by TWBC, and as it stands our village population is set to expand by nearly 50% in about the next 5 years.

Don’t think that there is nothing to be done!

There are pages and pages of documents and drawings as part of this application for major change to our village, and these are meant to comply with many planning “rules” - including those at national level, TWBC’s Local Plan and the Horsmonden Neighbourhood Plan.

We at Bassetts Farm Forum are working hard on our detailed “Neighbour Comments”, referencing these plans and policies, and we are getting as much professional advice as possible. In the meantime, we wanted to update you on our progress.

We also urge you to submit your comments in your own words. This is your democratic right and weight of public concern very much counts when the decision comes to be made.

If everyone “votes” by making a comment, it means the councillors who decide are aware of how their consituents really feel.

For more information on how to make your comment, click here

So, where do we stand?

  • We accept that housing allocations have been made for developments in Horsmonden, but..

  • We want these developments to be made according to the planning “rules”.

  • We want the developments to enhance our village and we want to help villagers to have their say in what is best for our village.

  • We believe there is a balance to be found between:

    • Horsmonden’s contribution to Borough housing needs

    • Respecting our beautiful village, its community, and its rural setting and

    • Developer’s profits, including genuinely honouring their published corporate environmental and social principles.

What do we see in this plan specifically?


  • It has been recognised that development to the East of the site needs to be limited to help the development fit into its surroundings and how it looks from the across the valley and the new plans reflect this.

  • But Persimmon are trying to break a fundamental planning rule by ignoring the “Limit of Build Development” (LBD) on the western part of the site (shown below by red line). The LBD is set in the Horsmonden Neighbourhood Plan, which we all voted for. 

  • TWBC have specifically said that the land for a new doctors’ surgery should be sited within the LBD as well - not above the line where it is being proposed. Positioned there, it would also cut off an important ecology link between the Hop Pickers’ Line and the open countryside.

  • We calculate that the area allocated by TWBC for houses and the doctors’ surgery is suitable for around 89 houses at their standard house density. But there are also design rules that apply to this rural greenfield site, and we believe that the application should be for no more than 80 houses.

Housing Design

  • We want the houses to look and feel like part of Horsmonden. There are design guides in the Horsmonden Neighbourhood Plan and elsewhere that need to be more closely observed.  We think that the proposed designs are characterless and of poor quality.

  • Green energy boxes may be being ticked, but there are many opportunities to be truly sustainable that are being missed.

  • We are very concerned that parts of the site will look like a big car park. By opening the layout up, so that cars can be parked beside all houses, it would make a big difference, especially if more green space is also designed into the development.

  • We think that the lighting schemes that are being proposed are quite considerate to the rural location and ecology of this site.

Traffic and Access

  • We have updated the traffic survey analysis done for the previous application. It can be seen here. There is no great change - road safety is still a big issue

  • The proposed development, along with the 20 houses already being built, will increase the traffic by over 30% on Goudhurst Road, with some 1,300 trips per day coming and going at the site entrance.

  • Goudhurst road rush hour traffic will increase by 50%

  • The application says there won’t be any queuing on Goudhurst Road at the site entrance even during the rush hours, but we question this, given that queuing does occur even with present housing numbers.

  • The site access junction is not designed for traffic speeds of 40 mph or more. 310 vehicles currently pass this junction at 40 mph or more every day!

  • The Village crossroads will see 35% more rush hour vehicles coming from or going down Goudhurst Road.

  • Persimmon are saying they will agree “something” with Highways to address these traffic issues before the decision is made, or make some financial contribution. They don’t say what, however.

  • The extension to Back Lane to provide a well-designed pedestrian link between the village and the site makes sense, but using it as an alternative access for emergency vehicles raises questions which the fire brigade are already asking.

  • The new narrow footpath being built on Goudhurst Road needs a mobility scooter passing place adding at a central point.

Services and Infrastructure

  • TWBC have moved their expected timing of the completion of the Bassetts allocation forward to 2028 from 2032, but they haven’t updated their Infrastructure Delivery Plan to bring everything in sync.

  • No progress is being made with the NHS on forming plans for health care provision to our expanded village and TWBC simply say that they can’t make commitments for the NHS, only ensure that a plot of land is available.

  • TWBC could put conditions on when the development takes place and only allow houses to be built as and when a new surgery is being built.

  • As far as any school expansion land is concerned there is no guarantee it will be available if/when needed.

  • Water, Power, Sewer and Sewerage services have to be committed to by the utility providers, but history tells us that because TWBC cannot oblige third parties to deliver, any issues here can be brushed to one side when the planning decision is being made.

  • How is the big new public open space, which will be available for everyone to enjoy, going to be maintained and cared for and how will this be paid for? This is not at all clear yet and must not become an afterthought.

  • Public Transport Provision for Horsmonden is very poor. More will be needed to support the change in population. 

What happens next?
  • Come and listen to the Parish Council discussing the application at 7.30pm on Tuesday 20th Feb in the village hallPersimmon will be there.

  • Submit your comments to TWBC before 3rd March – make you “vote” (see our FAQs)

  • Bassetts Farm Forum will be making their submissions when these are ready, and we will let you know when we have.

  • Be ready to come to the Tunbridge Wells Town Hall for the day a decision will be made. Date TBC. Watch this space!

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